Staff Resource Recommendations

Discover our curated selection of resources to enrich your spiritual journey and foster personal growth.

Our team has curated a collection of resources designed to equip and support you on your spiritual formation journey. These resources have been thoughtfully selected to provide guidance, inspiration, and practical tools to enhance your spiritual growth. We hope that you find these resources to be a source of encouragement and empowerment as you continue on your path of spiritual discovery and transformation.

Hospitality Resources

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Restoring Hospitality: A Blessing for Visitor and Host


Christine Pohl’s writings on hospitality have influenced my own thinking and practices about life as a Christian living in community. Dr. Pohl generously shared her insights on the topic of hospitality in a thoughtful and inspiring conversation from which the following article was taken. —Miyoung Yoon Hammer

MIYOUNG YOON HAMMER: I would like to explore what it means to restore hospitality as it was intended to be practiced. With that in mind, I’m wondering if you could begin by talking about the origins of hospitality.

Loneliness can be contagious, study finds

Loneliness, like a bad cold, can spread among groups of people, according to a study by researchers at the University of Chicago, the University of California-San Diego and Harvard.

Using longitudinal data from a large-scale study that has been following health conditions for more than 60 years, a team of scholars found that lonely people tend to share their loneliness with others. Gradually over time, a group of lonely, disconnected people moves to the fringes of social networks.

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Alone in the Crowd: The Structure and Spread of Loneliness in a Large Social Network

The discrepancy between an individual’s loneliness and the number of connections in a social network is well documented, yet little is known about the placement of loneliness within, or the spread of loneliness through, social networks. We use network linkage data from the population-based Framingham Heart Study to trace the topography of loneliness in people’s social networks and the path through which loneliness spreads through these networks.

Spiritual Formation Book Recommendations

Podcast Recommendations

App Recommendations

Lectio 365

Pray As You Go