It’s been a tough season! Pastors and ministry leaders are experiencing exhaustion and burnout at alarming rates. In response, The Fuller Center for Spiritual Formation is partnering with local organizations and churches around the country to host Restoration and Hope Retreats for pastors and ministry leaders. We hope this time will be a blessing to you.
What are these retreats?
In conjunction with local churches across the country, each retreat will feature times of worship, reflection on healing from the Scripture, a guided retreat of silence, conversation, prayer, and the opportunity to meet with a trained spiritual directors.
Why now?
A recent Barna study noted that 38 percent of pastors in the U.S. have seriously considered quitting during the past year. Everywhere we go, we find leaders who feel desperate. Their relationships are flagging and their churches are struggling or in major transition. Those not in crisis are simply exhausted from doing ministry in ways they never imagined. The losses have mounted, the pandemic has lingered, and many bear the fractures of our culture in the pews of their congregations.
We have hosted Restoration Retreats in Pasadena, Portland, Colorado Springs, and Holland / Grand Rapids and we are excited for our remaining schedule for the year.
Upcoming Retreats:
- Bay Area, CA – September 29th, 2022
Bay Area
In partnership with Transforming the Bay with Christ.
September 29th 2022
We may be able to offer additional retreats this year. If you and your community might be interested in hosting one for pastors in your city, please let us know.